Cheat Sheet of Network Address and Host Address Part of an IP Address

In the cheat sheet IP(IPv4) Address Classes Cheat Sheet, you learn all the classes of IP address of IPv4. We already discussed that each class IP address has two parts: [a] Network part (sometimes called Net ID or Net part)  and [b] Host part (sometimes called Host ID or Host part). Below, a table is represented where Network part and host part is identified easily of each block of IP addresses classes.

Class A Network . Host . Host . Host
Class B Network . Network . Host . Host
Class C Network . Network . Network . Host

Note: This is the default Network part and host part of each class of IP address. So, before identifying any network part or host part of an IP address, you first have to identify the IP address class of the given address [Follow IP(IPv4) Address Classes Cheat Sheet for the IP address classes] and then apply the method of that table to determine the Network part or the host part of the IP address.

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