IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is an identifier for computing devices (for example: computer, printer) on a TCP/IP network. For more details, browse through the topic What is IP Address? IP Address can be defined into two categories:
- IPv4 Addresses (Internet Protocol version 4 Addresses)
- IPv6 Addresses (Internet Protocol version 6 Addresses)
IPv4 Addresses:
- has 32 bit numbers
- has four block of numbers
- each block has 8 bit of numbers
- block of numbers are separated with periods (.)
Example of IPv4 Addresses:
The above IPv4 address can be expressed using Hex value for human-readable notations like the following:
IPv6 Addresses:
- has 128 bit numbers
- has eight block of numbers
- each block has 16 bit of numbers
- block of numbers are separated with colons (:)
Example of IPv6 Addresses:
The above IPv6 address can be expressed using Hex value for human-readable notations like the following: